Virtuoso Clinic
World class surgical techniques in ‘state of the art’ facilities


in the Bay of Plenty for over 25 years.


Bringing together two of Australasia's top Urologists


World firsts in clinical urology research

Treatment Process:

Transrectal Ultrasound & Biopsies of the Prostate

This information is designed to help you, your family and friends prepare for your surgery. It will also help you plan how to take care of yourself in the weeks following discharge from hospital.

Ultrasound examination is part of the evaluation of the prostate gland and supplements the information gained by blood tests (PSA) and the digital rectal examination (DRE). An ultrasound probe, which is slightly larger than the index finger, is inserted into the rectum to get the clearest picture of the prostate. To assist in obtaining a diagnosis and plan treatment for your condition, your doctor may also inform you that you need a prostate biopsy. If your ultrasound is just to record the size of your prostate, a biopsy will not need to be done.

This procedure is done at your outpatient clinic appointment and takes around 10 minutes.

Before the procedure

  • Please ensure your bowels have moved on the day of your appointment.
  • Take your antibiotic tablets as directed first thing in the morning. If you did not receive antibiotic tablets at your previous outpatient clinic appointment, please phone your service provider and you will be sent out a prescription.
  • Tell the urologist if you take Warfarin or any other blood thinning tablets such as Aspirin based products or Persantin, as these may need to be stopped prior to having a prostate biopsy.
  • You may eat and drink as normal before and after the procedure.
  • Some discomfort is likely as a result of having biopsies. This can be minimised by taking two Panadol tablets 2 hours prior to the your appointment time and relaxing throughout the procedure. A local anaesthetic is often injected around the prostate before the biopsies are done to minimise any pain.

The procedure

Measurements of your prostate are taken by ultrasound.

If you are having biopsies, careful inspection for any suspicious areas is then made. Six to ten biopsies are taken under accurate ultrasound using a spring-loaded needle that is built onto the probe. The needle goes through the wall of the rectum and into the prostate. On some occasions at the finish of the procedure, the doctor applies a gloved finger to the prostate to minimise any bleeding that may occur. On occasion, you may be asked to lie flat for 15 minutes if bleeding is prolonged.

After procedure, if you have had biopsies taken

The samples of tissue are sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results will take up to ten days to be confirmed. Depending on the results, you may be contacted by phone or given a clinic appointment to review the biopsy results with a urology specialist.

Your urine, semen and your first bowel motion may contain blood for a few days following the procedure. This is expected and should not cause concern.

Complications, such as infection, can be greatly minimised by completing the antibiotics given, in the evening of your appointment.

If you feel unwell and show any of the following symptoms:

  • Shakes
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating / fever
  • Chills
  • Inability to pass urine
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Large blood clots in the urine, not improving by drinking

See your own doctor or attend the hospital department immediately. You may have an infection as a result of the biopsy and may require IV antibiotic treatment. This can be easily controlled if early consultation is sought.

While you are in hospital, we will do everything we can to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The nursing and medical staff are always available to help with whatever needs you have. If you are worried about anything before or after your surgery, or if you have any further questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask your nurse who will be more than happy to help.



You can expect specialist treatment from a team known globally for their expertise and for pioneering innovative and important urological techniques and treatments.



You’re in the best hands with our experienced, multi-disciplinary team of health professionals backed by access to world class treatments.



For parents, we go out of our way to make you feel comfortable and talk you through each stage of your child’s treatment.

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

Take advantage of pioneering treatments by signing up for a clinical trial with Tauranga Urology Research.